We Are Museums
Online Community
We Are Museums wanted to build its online presence. Together we created the We Are Museums Online Community.
As it is explained on We Are Museums website:

As a result of a long journey of physical events and local gatherings, We Are Museums opened its online platform in March 2020 for more international gatherings, game-changing conversations and industry-challenge solving.

Today, it gathers a global community of +900 museum change-makers working towards a future good for people and the planet fueled by social and technological innovations.

On the online community, you will find an active community sharing resources, discussing key topics and news of the museum sector and meeting online twice a month.

But more than this, you will feel this strong sense of togetherness and belonging, just like if we were all neighbours and could easily go and share a coffee.

We Are Museums offers its online community as a free-service for museum professionals who already joined one of our events, know someone from the community or is simply working in a museum and wishing to join forces!
We have been involved from the beginning of the development. We participated in the definition of the strategy, including research and the definition of needs. We then actively worked on the trial run and analysed the results. We then participated in the creation of what is today the We Are Museums Online Community.

When: 2019 – ongoing
Project Management
Community Management
« Maxime is full of enthusiasm, fresh ideas and valuable inputs. His vision of a project goes from strategic to very precise, making him the perfect person to manage a project in development. »

Diane Drubay, Founder of We Are Museums. LinkedIn.
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